School Climate/ Bullying Reports

Ledyard Middle School School Climate Specialist:  Principal

Middle School Process to Report Acts of Bullying

Anyone (students, parents, staff, other concerned parties) should report bullying directly to the principal or an assistant principal, but there are a number of options when choosing how to report. Reports may be oral, in the form of email, or through a formal, written report. Reporting anonymously is possible by mailing or placing a written report directly in the mailbox of the principal. It should be noted that anonymous reporting, while perfectly acceptable, may make the subsequent investigation a bit more difficult. Nonetheless, any form of reporting bullying is far better than choosing not to do so. Complainants will be assisted, as necessary, in submitting the district bullying reporting form.

Anonymous Bullying Report Form
(available in the main office)
Ledyard Public Schools Bullying Complainant Form


The Ledyard Middle School is committed to creating and maintaining an educational and learning environment that is safe and secure for children; physically, emotionally, and intellectually. This environment seeks to be free of all types of bullying, harassment, and discrimination. In order to attain, maintain, and adapt to this goal; the Ledyard Middle School community has a common vision and mission, framework for effective and supportive communication, commitment to current and equitable teaching and learning practices, and a continual review of student programming to allow for student growth and appropriate development.


The Ledyard Middle School incorporates a tiered approach to student growth and development and has the core values of Dignity, Kindness, and Potential with a school motto of “Own It”. By basing the school’s programs on such values and traits, the goal for addressing and elimination of bullying and bullying type behaviors are seamless.


Ways in which Ledyard Middle School Addresses Bullying and Bullying Prevention:


·         School counselors meet with all students on various topics on bullying, cyber-bullying, and sexual harassment and our school rules and expectations. Our counselors will visit the classrooms to explain what depicts bullying, cyber-bullying, and sexual harassment and how students can safely seek out support for themselves or their peers.

·        Students will participate in an evidence-based approach, program or process that is designed to ensure a positive school climate and prevent bullying.

·        Students will be made aware of school rules prohibiting bullying, cyber-bullying, and harassment.  

·        LMS will adhere to our bullying and disciplinary policies when determining appropriate consequences.  

·        Proper documentation and records keeping of verified acts of bullying will be maintained.

·        Students and/or parents may make verbal or written reports of suspected bullying behavior, and students are permitted to anonymously report acts of bullying to school employees. Reporting forms are available online and in the main office. Any report of suspected bullying behavior will be promptly reviewed by the Safe School Climate Specialist (principal). If acts of bullying are verified, the school will take prompt, corrective action that is reasonably calculated to stop the bullying and prevent any recurrence of such behavior. School Counselors and administration process with the bully and bullied.  In responding to cases of bullying we are sure to process with all parties involved. During this time we work to help students learn from the situation and equip the students with the strategies to appropriately react to a similar situation in the future.

·        Certified school employees will be trained annually on the prevention, identification and response to bullying and the prevention of and response to youth suicide via in-service training.

·        School counselors meet with students individually to process situations as needed.  These meetings are carried out separately with the bullied and the bully. Parents are often included in these meetings or are contacted and kept informed through the process. This is where important learning takes place and provides the students with better tools to react or make better choices in these types of situations in the future.

·        The tiered approach to student growth and development process allows for data to be generated so that strategies for at risk academic and behavioral students can be created and implemented.  

·        The school hosts an annual Open House, bi-annual Parent Conferences and other informational programs that educate, support, and address topics of bullying and bullying prevention programming.

Ways in which Ledyard Middle School Promotes a Positive School Climate:

·        The school fully incorporates a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) model as a tiered approach to support student growth and development– LMS will integrate PBIS strategies into school-wide climate plan.  PBIS is a proactive strategy for defining, teaching and supporting student behavior resulting in academic and social gains and a positive school environment.   These will include, but are not limited to: School-wide monthly recognitions, classroom PBIS incentives, and creating individual systems of support through targeted behavior plans, as needed.  PowerSchool is utilized as our school’s discipline management and behavioral data collecting and reporting tool.

·        Students have various opportunities in which to lead and become an integral part of the school community through participation and leadership. Programs currently available are: Peer Mentoring, Peer tutoring, Student Council, Unified activities, Phil Genova Leadership Program, various athletic teams, and other co-curricular offerings.

·         The students participate in annual school climate surveys in which the administration uses as baseline data to add or reduce programming to meet the current needs of the student body. Based on the information and data that is collected, building improvement plans and individual professional growth goals are set by school administration and certified staff.

·        The school maintains a Safe School Climate Committee as a part of the School Safety Committee. This committee is comprised of staff, administration, and a parent. The mission of this committee is to be proactive in building on a positive school climate for all members of the LMS community. The core values are: Dignity, Kindness, and Potential.

·         All students and certified staff are involved and participate in an advisory program. These small grade level groups are geared to create the presence of an “anchoring adult” for all children. Lessons and activities are created and the lessons are designed in conjunction the current needs of the school based on anecdotal data.

·        The school communicates weekly with the outside community through a LMS Principal’s Memo, the LMS website, School Messenger phone calls, the student and parent PowerSchool portals. Various other social media platforms are used to spotlight the events and culture at LMS as needed.

·        School counselors and school psychologist run student lunch groups for students at risk and interested in specific programming. This is determined by student surveys and counselor assessment.

·        Ledyard Youth Services a local organization works individually with students referred and involves families in this clinical process.

·        Faculty meets regularly to address strategies and or improve academic and social concerns/successes. These meeting times are provided as a time to collaborate around strategies to help all students succeed.  

·        School counselors meet with students individually to process situations as needed. The plans and goals in this process are individualized and confidential and have the parent involved.

·        Counselors support student goalsetting with Naviance. This is a software program that helps students stay focused on their self-generated academic, social and career goals.  These plans will help support and guide each student all the way through graduation. School counselors work with students routinely as they navigate their way through the year in conjunction with their goals. Parents are provided access to students’ SSP’s as well. 

·        The health curriculum incorporates topics of self-concept and peer interaction. Students are taught strategies to improve one’s outlook on themselves as well as their social interactions with peers.  

·        School counselors visit classrooms and present lessons on tolerance and anti-bullying strategies.